V6 Update

Green Squadron Alpha V 6.0

Major Changes:

  • NEW LEVELS: Sullust(GCW) and Kothlis: Islands(CW Mission only, for now)
  • NEW GAME MODE: Battle Scenarios - Featuring new cutscenes and objective types
  • NEW BATTLE SCENARIOS: Order 66 and Capital Ship Assault
  • NEW FRIGATE: Rebel Blockade Runner (Fully destructible, added to several levels)
  • NEW FEATURE: Added full destructibility for the Imperial Star Destroyer in all levels where it is present
  • NEW ANNOUNCERS FOR INSTANT ACTION: Added voice lines from the original Battlefront games
  • NEW BONUS LEVEL: Blockade Runner flight (pilotable Blockade Runner, experimental only)
  • EXISTING LEVELS IMPROVEMENTS: Added new hangar interior to Hoth, improved terrain for Ryloth, various improvements to the Deep Space level(now called "The Naboo System")
  • MAJOR ISSUE FIXED: Starfighter tilt no longer pitches your starfighter downwards

Other Changes:

  • The TIE Interceptor Boss now uses the red markings seen in legends
  • Added AT-ATs to Hoth
  • Added Rebel Transports to Hoth that slowly takeoff and fly into orbit one by one
  • Added Rebel Medical Frigates to Hoth and Sullust (these are intended to be background models, not an active part of the battle)
  • For select fighters with wing opening animations, the wings will open after takeoff, not during
  • Corrected sizing for Hoth defense turrets and Hoth Shield Generator
  • Added auto-turrets to the ISD interior
  • Added starfighter blaster audio pitch variation
  • Added projectile impacts for water
  • Improved glow/bloom post process effects
  • Improved lighting and skyboxes in some levels
  • Updated AI names
  • Updated death message
  • Performance optimizations for several backend systems
  • Added new priority targeting system for turrets
  • Fixed a few animation bugs
  • Fixed many small bugs


Kothlis: Islands


Green Squadron V6.1
84 days ago

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